Altcoin Analysis: NEO, EOS, LTC, Monero and Lumens

An across the board recovery for altcoins prices and this is of course positive. Monero’s response in the midst of strong sell pressure remains today’s highlight. Even though we cannot really say this is a certified 100% buy, we ought to wait for further price appreciation until buy triggers are hit. Furthermore, there is a […]

Internet Providers Caught Deploying Crypto Mining Malware

If it wasn’t bad enough with hackers and dodgy websites trying to hijack your computer hardware to mine some crypto coins, ISPs have been discovered doing it also. Governments, or agencies closely linked to them, have been caught commandeering local internet connections in order to inject mining malware. Turkey, Syria and Egypt Fingered Fingers have […]

Looking Beyond the Bitcoin Price Dip: Solid Technical Improvements Ahead

In the cryptocurrency world, negative trends tend to skew people’s perception. More specifically, everyone is focused on the current Bitcoin price dip. It makes them lose track of the bigger picture, which still paints a very promising future for the world’s leading cryptocurrency. A lot of positive things will happen in the next few years, […]

Op Ed: Could an Amazon Token Become a Viable Worldwide Cryptocurrency?

Combining the benefits of a utility-based cryptocurrency and a company that exhibits the characteristics of a power law network creates the perfect opportunity for a globally adopted cryptocurrency –– the Amazon Token. Amazon’s Full-Circle Economy In this hypothetical futuristic scenario, Amazon extends on the suite of products and services it provides customers in 2018 including: […]

MetaMask Lets You Visit Tomorrow’s Distributed Web in Today’s Browser

One of the most promising concepts of second-generation blockchains is that of dApps (or “decentralised applications”). These are apps built on top of a blockchain. To date, few have made the headlines (with the exception, perhaps, of CryptoKitties), but there is a an increasingly large amount being pushed to the Ethereum mainnet, and even more […]