New Partnership With ConsenSys and BlockApps to Boost Synechron’s Blockchain Accelerator Program

Synechron, a consulting services and technology provider specializing in the financial services market, has announced a partnership with Ethereum blockchain developers ConsenSys and BlockApps to develop next-generation blockchain solutions. These solutions will address critical issues, such as data privacy on a private blockchain, scalability for market data applications and critical interoperability across Ethereum and complementary […]

How Iceland’s Pirate Party Could Pave the Way for Bitcoin

The Pirate Party in Iceland is not a team of seafarers with parrots on their shoulders scouring for treasure, but rather a radical political unit poised to take power in Iceland. The group was founded about four years ago by a team of alleged hackers and activists; it rose to fame the following year to […]

WebMoney Offers Bitcoin Support to Fiat Purses

WebMoney, the Moscow-based Russian online payment solution platform has announced support for Bitcoin. The new feature enables merchants to accept Bitcoin payments from customers who are not signed up on WebMoney. The latest addition, which was launched by the company earlier this week, enables merchants that use “Merchant WebMoney” service to accept payments without having to go through multiple steps, like […]