That’s What Tuur Said

This is a summary of Tuur Demeester’s Investor Newsletter

If you aren’t familiar with Tuur Demeester, he is probably the only Bitcoin user who presented a conservative estimate for the bitcoin price based on Bitcoin taking over the largest markets of the world. The following information is from Demeester’s 2013 San Jose presentation.

Market Taken Over By Bitcoin The New Price of One Bitcoin
1% of Hedge Funds $1,230
Argentina leaves fiat for bitcoin $2,480
Gold owners trade 1% of their gold assets for bitcoin $3,500
Bitcoin Volume = 50% of the Black Market Volume $86,000
Bitcoin becomes the new gold $340,000
Bitcoin becomes the world reserve currency $520,000

Demeester finishes this dreamy number crunching with recommending that everyone in the world get two or three bitcoins due to the incredible risk/reward ratio.

Two years later, Demeester has followed up his “Why People Should Invest In Bitcoin” presentation with a newsletter that explains how people should invest in Bitcoin.

Here are the highlights of Demeester’s newsletter:

  • Bitcoin competes with the $16.7 trillion offshore deposit, $4.5 trillion cash, and $7 trillion gold markets.
  • Demeester recommends Trezor for personal bitcoin management and Xapo for 3rd party bitcoin management.
  • Invest directly in Bitcoin, which has the largest market share and is protected by a network effect.
  • Round out your Bitcoin Investment with the next four top cryptocurrencies (Ripple, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash).
  • Averaging Down is a recommended practice of determining at what lower prices you will buy more bitcoins. It prepares you for a plan of action
    when volatility pulls the Bitcoin price down.
  • Demeester recommends investing 1%-2% of one’s portfolio as a hedge against the remaining portfolio. There are higher percentage investment recommendations based on life stage and vulnerability to risk.
  • Demeester closes with an example of ways to invest $50k. He mentions techniques such as: lump-sum purchases, dollar-cost averaging, averaging down, and altcoin portfolio investing.

You can subscribe to Demeester’s newsletter by signing up here.

The post That’s What Tuur Said appeared first on NEWSBTC.